Fontfilva, SL since the spring of 2022, has had a 8,000 m2 self-consuming facility consisting of about 2,000 photovoltaic panels that allow significant energy savings..

TexMeeting 2022 de Texfor

TexMeeting 2022 de Texfor

Fontfilva, SL was present at Texfor's TexMeeting 2022 edition, under the slogan Re-textil, which was held in the parallel activities of the 080 Barcelona Fashion Week.

In the media: we participate in the TV3 Added Value report.

In the media: we participate in the TV3 Added Value report.

Textile painting and recycling. This was the title of the TV3 programme Valor Afegit, where we participated on Monday, 9 January 2023.

Circular economy processes to reduce textile waste in the manufacture of personal protective equipment.

Circular economy processes to reduce textile waste in the manufacture of personal protective equipment.

LIFE-CIRTECHTEX Initiative Progresses Successfully in Implementing Circular Economy in Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturing

Start of the LIFE-CIRTECHTEX Project: Advancing Circular Economy in Personal Protective Equipment

Start of the LIFE-CIRTECHTEX Project: Advancing Circular Economy in Personal Protective Equipment

Start of the LIFE-CIRTECHTEX Project: Advancing Circular Economy in Personal Protective Equipment

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